

Remember me mentioning that I broke the ceiling fan in the master bedroom a while back? I gave the chain a tug to change the speed, and out it came. A little research told me that we were either to take the fan apart to get it repaired, or just get a new one entirely.

Now, if you had told me six months ago that I would be spending money on a celing fan, I would have called you crazy. As a rule, I don't particularly find them attractive. But after living with one (albeit a very ugly one), man are they functional in a stuffy upstairs room on a summer's night.

So! We armed ourselves with some leftover Home Depot gift card goodness, and away we went. Nate and his dad took care of the install, and I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
The Big Ol' Ugly, complete with resin heralding angels pull.
Nate & Roger Removal Services
...While Tucker Supervised.
And just because it happened to come up in my Facebook news feed during the warm weather and it made me laugh:
Luckily this guy balanced easily and we've had a nice breeze and not a single freak ceiling fan accident to speak of.

And I gotta say, I didn't know how much of a difference having one of a more modern, "us" style would make to the room.

Ugh... a ceiling fan is "us"?? Who would have thought.

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