
Paint By Numbers

Consider what we did the Botox of the house-face world. No major surgery, just some minor pain and general maintenance.

The objective: Replace old ugly house numbers, strip/sand/caulk exterior garage area, color-match exterior house paint and touch up.

Result: Yay! Check it out - Amazing what a little sweat equity will do over the course of a couple days.

 And it only got worse before it got better with number removing, scraping, caulking, and sanding up a storm:
Ready for the results? Ta da:
And just to save you some scrolling, we went from janky to chic with those numbers in nothing flat:
We worked on the project both Sunday and Monday, but only a few hours at a time, leaving us lots of time for having some fun and relaxation. Pretty much a perfect high-impact (to us, anyway) weekend project with a low-impact on precious weekend fun time. Totally worth laboring through Labor Day!

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